Legal Notice

Information pursuant to section 5 Telemedia Act:

Entity responsible for the content of this website:

K&K social resources & development GmbH
Stefan-Heym-Platz 1
10367 Berlin

Management: Manuela Kolbe, Doreen Ziehnert

Registration: AG Charlottenburg HRB 49653 B
Tax nr.: 37/091/46056



Tel.: (030) 42 84 20 0
Fax: (030) 42 84 20 28

Picture Credits

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Technical implementation:

K&K social resources and development GmbH

Dispute resolution:

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
You can find our email address above in the legal notice. We are not ready or willing to participate in any dispute resolution procedures before a consumer dispute resolution body.

Limitation of liability

The content of this website has been prepared with the utmost care. However, the provider does not provide any guarantee that the content provided is accurate, complete or up to date. Users use the content of the website at their own risk. Texts which have been attributed to a specific person reflect the respective author’s opinion, which may not be the same as that of the provider. Merely using the provider’s website does not result in any kind of contractual relationship between the user and the provider.

External links

This website contains links to third party websites (“external links”). The respective operator is liable for these websites. When setting the external links for the first time, the provider checked the third-party content as to whether it breached the law in any way. At that time, no breaches of the law were evident. The provider does not have any influence whatsoever on the current or future structure of the content on the websites to which links have been set. Setting external links does not constitute the appropriation by the provider of the content to which reference is made or to which a link leads. In the absence of specific indications of breaches of the law, it is not reasonable for the provider to constantly monitor the external links. If it becomes aware of breaches of the law, the provider will delete such links without delay.

Copyright and ancillary copyrights

The content published on this website is subject to German copyright and ancillary copyright laws. Any use which is prohibited by the German laws of copyright and ancillary copyright requires the prior written consent of the provider or the respective holder of such rights. In particular, this applies to the reproduction, editing, translation, storage, processing or display of content in data banks or other electronic media and systems. Content and rights of third parties are designated as such. The prohibited reproduction or disclosure of individual pieces of content or complete pages is not allowed and is punishable. Copying and downloading is only permitted for personal, private, non-commercial use. Written permission is required to display this website in third party frames.

Special terms of use

To the extent that specific terms for individual uses of this website diverge from the above nrs. 1 to 3, this will be expressly indicated at the relevant place. In such cases, the specific terms of use will apply in the individual case.

Privacy policy

The following information provides a brief overview of what happens to your personal data when you visit our website. Personal data means all data by which you can be personally identified. Comprehensive information on the issue of data protection can be found in our privacy policy.